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Edit release

Editing a release

You can edit an existing release from the Current Releases in your dashboard or from inside the page of a production.

The edit release window is very similar to the Release step in the Add Release process.
Here you can change all of those details, except for the country of the release. This cannot be changed. If you made a mistake here, just delete the release and create a new one.
Click Save at the bottom right to save your changes.

There is also an extra section that you won't find in the third step of adding a release: Version(s)
Here are the versions listed that have been added to the release. You cannot edit versions here, but you can remove versions or add other versions that are in the production.

You can only delete a versions as long as there are no bookings created from this release with that version.

You can also add and edit references here. You will always find the MaccsBox reference here. That is used to link your release to the corresponding title in MaccsBox.
For Dutch releases there is a MaccsBox reference for each version in the release as well.

You can add a Rentrak/Comcsore title reference if you use the manual figure importer.
Depending on the accounting system you use, you can add a reference for it here. It will then be used when we export your invoices for you.

Click on a reference to open the Edit reference window. Once you've click the blue edit button you commit the change, there is no need to click save at the bottom of the Edit Release window after that.


At the bottom there is a delete button for the entire release. Deleting a release is only possible if there are no bookings made for it at all.